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Sarah holland

Advice to desk workers

10 top tips for desk workers!

Have you ever had back or neck pain after sitting at your desk for long periods of time? Desk related injuries are becoming more common due to the increased sedentary lifestyle that often comes with the nature of these types of jobs. Our bodies are made to move so any position we put it in for prolonged periods can become harmful to our body. We see desk related injuries walk through our clinic every day so we’ve put together our 10 top tips to help reduce the stressors on your body whilst you work away, at home or in the office. 

10 pieces of advice

1. Take regular breaks. Sitting at a desk all day can be monotonous, tiring and can affect your body. Make sure you take regular breaks throughout the day to get up, stretch, and move around.

2. Stay organised. Keeping your workspace neat and tidy and organise so that things you use regularly are easy to reach and positioned optimally.

3. Stay hydrated. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the workday to keep your energy levels up. You can use this as an opportunity to take a break.

4. Take a walk. If you’re feeling stuck or sore, take a
short walk around the office or outside to get your blood flowing and refocus your mind. 

5. Get enough sleep. It’s important to make sure you’re getting enough sleep each night to stay productive and alert during the day.

6. Adjust your chair. Make sure your chair is adjusted to the correct height so that your feet can rest flat on the floor. Your knees should be at right angles to the floor.

7. Use a headset. If you’re on the phone all day, wearing a headset can help prevent neck and shoulder strain.

8. Invest in a good mouse. A good mouse can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and reduce strain on your wrists. 

9. Use a separate keyboard. If you spend a lot of time typing, consider investing in a separate keyboard to help reduce strain on your hands and wrists. Adjust so that your forearms are horizontal to the table.

10. Adjust your monitor. Make sure your monitor is at the correct height and distance to prevent eye strain. Your eyes should be at the top third of the screen and it should be an arms length away. Use a stand or even use items you already have like books to lift up the screen.

These small changes to your desk setup can help reduce the tensions we place on our bodies each day when working at home or in the office. Feel free to have a chat to your practitioner next time you’re at the clinic, we’re here to help and keep your Health Connected.

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